This week's song of the week is :
Rosanna (feat. Penny and Sparrow) - Corey Kilgannon

The song "Rosanna" by Corey Kilgannon rips the heart apart with every word, opening up about love and the sacrifices we make with it. Corey Killgannon is one of the most beautiful song writer's I have ever heard, weaving words together into delicate intricacies that flow like sweet honey. This song has a bit of a darker background though, sharing with his fans on his website of how the song was created. He says, "[I] learned that my cousin Joseph had passed suddenly and instantly of a heart issue. I have no idea how much time passed before Andy came running into the room to find me weeping and attempting to bash the back of my head through the wall." Killgannon later explains that most days, he doesn't know if he should try to love because of how much it hurts when the ones we love leave; he explains, "I'm terrified of dying suddenly and leaving holes in people the way Joe left a hole in me. But this is a real place we experience as humans, and I think it is worth singing about." Killgannon reminds us all to love everything while we can, because one day we will have to forfeit what we hold. "Rosanna" somehow softens the edges while hardening the core, humbling the human mind. I would recommend this song to everyone, pleading for you to listen.
Stay peachy,
Aaron <3