Thank you to aboslutely everyone who is reading right now, supporting me. I have a genuine love for you all. Welcome to this little blog that I made, where I am now able to share whatever I want, whenever I want, and exactly how I want to. There were a lot of factors that led up to me creating this blog, that being: 1. Realizing my love for writing and the power behind words this year, 2. watching my friends Abby Stead and Haley Bieniewicz create their amazing blog called "Old Soul Insomniacs" and create beautiful articles (you all should go read if you haven't), and finally the third factor being my need for a space to create something that not only makes me happy, but others too :)

For all my life, I've always felt the need to be creating something. When I was little I used to craft, draw, and paint like I was Bob Ross himself. I collected old boxes, mason jars, and pretty much anything that could have been recycled, knowing that one day I would need it for a project. Thinking about it now, I really could have been a child hoarder. As I got older though, I lost the general craftiness of my youth, but I began watching YouTube. The first youtubers I ever watched were call Jacksgap, a.k.a two twins from the UK named Jack and Finn Harries. I fell in love with their content and quickly became introduced to many other youtubers, being Tyler Oakley, Alfie Deyes, Zoella, Troye Sivan, Kingsley, and many others. Through the years I continued watching YouTube exploring many more channels, immersing myself to different kinds of people, opinions, and ideas. One day late 2015, I stumbled upon a youtuber named Dodie Clark. She played ukulele, wrote music, painted, wrote stories, and most important of all, inspired me to start playing the ukulele and create music. I ordered a cheap ukulele off of Amazon and learned how to play within a few short months. I did manage to write a few terrible songs (let them die), but out of that I noticed my love for writing (and playing the uke but, I keep them separate now respectively). I began journaling, writing little poems, and joined my school's Honors English class. Now I'm here, with my own blog where I can share what I make, and hopefully you enjoy it as much as I enjoy creating it.

Two of the coolest people I know, Abby Stead and Haley Bieniewicz, launched their own blog, Old Soul Insomniacs about 5 months ago(ish), and it was most likely one of the best things to happen in 2017. Through groovy music, to sweet updates about their lives, they provide quality content that is not only pleasing to read, but relatable. I would highly recommend going over to there to read if you have not already. Watching their blog grow was incredibly inspiring to watch, so I began brainstorming of how I could create my own that would be genuine and really just... me. I wanted to completely show my own personality within the first page of the blog, while still shaping it so that others would like it too. Haley and Abby do this perfectly with quirky photos and an overall retro vibe. I would like to thank the both of them, and especially Abby for all the help in making this site ;)

So finally, this blog was made to let all my random, eclectic, and creative ideas run wild through fields of milkweed and dandelions, to chase down streams that lead to ponds with waterlilies, and to make others happy. Never would I want this platform to be a negative space, nor become collected with heavy thoughts. That being said, I do believe in keeping an open mind about everything and letting new ideas float in the air for us to gaze upon. I want this to be a space where I can give everything I have to offer, and though I cannot see who is reading, hope that you feel the same way. I hope you love this little blog as much as I do.
Stay peachy,
Aaron <3
Hey Aaron, it's Megan R-- I just read this and have to say...this is really awesome. I love it. It's awesome to me that you chased your dream and just decided to go for it. you're a cool kiddo man!